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The Sun Shows How it's Done

The Sun Shows How it's Done

SKU: A4A-SHill-Bk

Book of poetic short stories by Sandy Olson Hill.


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    My paperback book is a hybrid of poetry and flash. So, it's short, short stories that are both poetry and prose, and there are eight total. It's flash fiction written with a poetic slant! What is weaved throughout is the theme of relationships.


         At the first light they encounter, she turns to him, “I’m going to meetings again.”

    It is at once a sentence and a plea from a tired place that floats through him leaving the smallest of scars before it combusts on the mostly barren plains they pass.

     Here and there patches of red thirst yield to the inevitable rust. He looks at his watch as she shifts gears. 

    “Will you,” I am striding towards the door when she asks “stay until I’m asleep?”

          And she waits. Someplace between somewhere praising past boys, dreaming of lost men, while I am drowning in the pause; inside the moment when my silence speaks stiletto from the eyes of dolls lining rows of accusation walls.

    Beneath Cape Cod's wet sand shifting she slides under, red mud current bruising waves, hands into the air, grasping, fear inside her head, fear inside her lungs, her heart beating.

    Rain between the window, breath hot upon, her mother asks, "Isn't that your sister with the neighbor boy? What are they doing? Is that rain?" The weather interrupts her mother's channel cruising through the moment.


    From the bed, she says to no one in particular, "I think it's going to thunder."


    Through the window the storm gathers its anger.




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